Like I said before, great question. Probably the one we get the most. And probably the hardest to answer. See, each mural is priced individually. They are priced according to how long we figure it will take to paint them. For instance, a series of light, puffy clouds will take much less time to paint than say 15 full length recognizable portraits! It all comes down to the degree of detail required in the mural. Here’s a great example. I had a woman call in once, wanting a price to paint a dinosaur in her son’s room. Mickie asked, “What kind of dinosaur?” The woman replied, “Just a dinosaur!” To which Mickie responded, “Well, more like Barney or Jurassic Park? One of them Mike can paint using a purple roller, while the other might take him a month working on the details of a T-Rex exploding out of your wall!”

We tell clients that they can expect most interior murals to cost between $100 and $200 per square foot, but it could be less, or it could be more, depending upon the level of detail required. Exterior murals can cost as little as $20 per square foot, but then again, it depends upon size, accessibility and amount of detail required.

All of this is sorted out in the design phase of the project, when it is determined what it is exactly that you are looking for. Then we can take all of the parameters into consideration and give you a price.

Now, when we give you a price, we give you a price! There are no add-ons, extra charges, compensations, commissions, “Oops, I forgot this!”, “Oh, I ran out of paint!,” etc. Like I said, when we give you a price, we give you a price. No surprises. UNLESS…

Unless the parameters of the project change. For instance, let’s say we give you a quote that includes painting portraits of 5 members of your family. During the middle of the project you decide to add six cousins. Well, the parameters have changed. We would have to charge more for that. I’m not talking about adding another butterfly or changing someone’s hair color, but something that will add a considerable amount of time to the project. I would think that this is something absolutely understandable.

Honestly, the best way to find out how much a mural will cost is to simply give me a call. We can talk about what it is you’re looking for, and I can probably give you a pretty good estimate right on the phone. Hey, I’ve been doing this for a long time. It’s not rocket science. It’s murals. And it’s what I do. And I’m really, really good at what I do.
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