Nashville adds some color to the Doric Masonic Lodge #732!
This project was a beast. I’ve worked on walls of this size before, but I can’t remember adding this much detail. Honestly, I can usually knock out something of this size in about 2-3 weeks. This one took two months.
From beginning to end, including design time and prep, the process took about 9 months. The clients at Doric were amazing to work with. These guys are experts in the ways of Freemasonry. It was truly an education. Everything in the mural - and I mean EVERYTHING - means something. Not only the actual words, but all of the images. Even the colors. Speaking of words, they had to be in specific orders. Items included: Columns, chairs, jewelry, trees, rivers, wheat, carved statues, symbols, sun, moon, compass, square, stairs, doors, hallways, etc., etc., etc.! It will probably take an entire class just to go over all of the symbolism wall.
And not all of the wall of about masonry. The far right is dedicated to Maternal Mental Health. ReadyNest, a pre-and-post natal counseling center, is located right next door. While we were out talking about what kind of mural to paint on the wall, the director walked up and asked us if we had ever thought about painting a mural on this wall! Long story short, the Lodge agreed to let her have the right corner of the wall to help promote maternal counseling across Tennessee, of which Nashville happens to be the center! So much to see on this wall!
The view this in the proper perspective, one needs to stand at the corner of 21st and Bernard. It’s a one-point perspective, land viewing it from here puts everything in its right place - truly a great example of Trompe L’oeil. Enjoy!
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